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B and I were thumbing through several of our cocktail volumes looking for a suitable tipple to kick off 2017, when we came across the Crux in Robert Hess‘s The Essential Bartender’s Guide.  It looked promising.  Nice classic cocktail structure; at least one odd-ball booze.   What’s not to love.


I got to looking into the cocktail, and it doesn’t appear to be particularly vintage.  A quick perusal of the Dubonnet website gives credit to it to Death & Co., NYC.  It is not currently on their menu, but their “About” page says that they opened in 2006, so it’s less than ten years old. What it lacks in age, it definitely make up for in pedigree–Death & Co being one of the pioneering bars in the craft cocktail resurgence.


  • 0.75 oz. Dubonnet Rouge
  • 1 oz. Cognac
  • 0.75 oz. Cointreau
  • 0.75 oz. lemon juice

Shake and strain into a martini glass.

Both B & I agree that this was a great way to kick off the new year. Not only is the color spectacular, it’s also a thoroughly enjoyable cocktail.  It has definitely earned a spot on our regular rotation.


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